Scientology and Evolution question?
2012-08-10 11:43:07 UTC
okay I don't mean for this to sound like a stupid question but I'm just curious?

What exactly is scientology and what exactly is a scientologist and an evolutionist? Is evolution and scientology the same thing? Can someone please explain the difference between the two?

Like I said I don't mean for this to sound or be a stupid question I would just like someone to verify the differences or similarities.
Eight answers:
2012-08-10 12:13:24 UTC
Evolution is a scientific theory that describes how life changes over time, in response to the environment. The basic idea is that, with each new generation, there is variation (offspring aren't exactly like their parents). Of this varied pool of offspring, some are lucky and will have been born with traits that make it easier to survive. This increases their chances of survival, and their chances of reproduction - and therefore their chances of passing on those beneficial traits. The unlucky ones that have been born with detrimental traits will suffer the opposite. Given enough time, and enough generations, beneficial traits will become more common in the group, and the population will have evolved.

It's important to understand that evolution is a scientific theory. It describes how life changes over time - nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't address where life came from in the first place, and it would work the same whether the first life had come about naturally, had been engineered by aliens, or had been created directly by God. It also doesn't provide any sort of moral or ethical guidelines... in other words, it tells us what happens, but not what we *should* do. Anyone trying to claim that evolution encourages animalistic behavior, killing of the weak, or racism does NOT understand evolution (or science in general), and should not be trusted with regards to the topic. Evolution doesn't say that we should kill of the weak any more than gravity says that it's OK to throw people off of cliffs. It's a scientific theory, which means that it has very clearly-defined boundaries - it only describes what happens in nature.

I should also point out that "evolutionist" isn't really an accepted term. It's usually used by religious groups that oppose evolution on ideological grounds (since there are no valid scientific or evidence-based arguments against evolution). They try to portray people that accept evolution as dogmatic and brainwashed. The extreme end of this is the label "Darwinist", which implies that people who accept evolution worship Darwin, or that the version of evolution we accept is the same one that Darwin proposed 150 years ago (it's not - the theory has changed significantly since Darwin first got the ball rolling). By adding "-ist" to the end of evolution, they imply that it's a religious or ideological belief. In the end, though, it's really just science. There's no more belief involved than there is with cell theory, germ theory, or even something as obvious as gravity.

Scientology is completely unrelated, though. It's a religion with lots of cult-like practices, and a tendency for bullying anyone who speaks out against the church. It was started by L Ron Hubbard, and is known for some of its... eccentric beliefs. Most of these beliefs are hidden from members until they've reached a high enough level in the church (i.e. they've donated enough money), but they involve spirits, alien warlords, and repressed memories. I recommend checking out the Wikipedia page.

There is nothing in common between Scientology and evolution, though. There's nothing that links Scientology with science, for that matter.
2012-08-10 18:46:55 UTC
I second the good answer from Andymanec. To confirm a key point: the theory of evolution is a well-established scientific principle in biology and anthropology. As with other scientific ideas like nuclear particles, gravity or astronomy, we still have much to learn about evolution; but we're on the right track. The theory of evolution is not just a fanciful idea; it is used in medical research, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, biotechnology and even computer science to produce real inventions which make our lives better. It has been a standard part of biological science for over 100 years.

Scientology on the other hand is a philosophy or religion invented by an American writer, L Ron Hubbard, in the 1950s. Scientology has no connection to science as an academic or professional activity; it just happens to have "Scient-" as part of its name. I haven't heard any particular opinion about the Theory of Evolution by Scientologists; it's not one of their big concerns.

Scientology might, or might not, be a legitimate religion or philosophy. I'd note in passing that it has been highly controversial, and is outlawed in some countries. It's mainly popular with movie stars in Hollywood: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Giovanni Ribisi, Jason Lee and Kirstie Alley are examples of Scientolgist adherents in the entertainment industry. Scientology has a small, pretty insignificant presence outside Hollywood. Speaking as a professional scientist, I've never, ever met another scientist who is a Scientologist (although I have met a few Scientologists).

Hope it helps.
Truth Seeker
2012-08-10 15:31:50 UTC
As you will see from the answers you've already received, Patty (or 'Pattytriciastrange, to give you your full title), as most people point out, evolutionism is (supposed to be) a science, whereas, scientology is a religious cult, but 'strange' that you should ask the question, naively or not, because they do have very strong basic similarities. For a start, both are based on 'faith' and 'beliefs'. neither have any actual 'irrefutable proof' of the validity of their 'beliefs'. Both, as one evolutionist responder adversely accuses the scientologists of being guilty of, that they (scientologists) "bully anyone who criticises their 'faith'" (or words to that effect), well, both do the same. There's nothing more dogmatic, fanatical, ridiculing and bullying, than a staunch evolutionists in full defensive flow.

Evolution, although a very feasible explanation for the origin and existence of life, like all other 'religions', has no 'indisputable' evidence to support it. And like all other religions (faithful beliefs), there are millions of ambiguous, misleading and erroneous words written about it, without them containing one tiny shred of 'proving' evidence, on the face of this planet., and there darn-well should be, tons of it!

150 years on from the publication of Darwin's very weak 'theory' (The Origin of the Species), the 'theory of evolution' evolution, despite it's faithful follower's self assurances to the contrary, has grown even weaker, unlike the supernaturalism of religions being static because, until we can comprehend what lies beyond the universe, they have a safety net... Evolution is the World's Greatest (so called, scientific) Mistake!

So your question is not so stupid after all, Patty (though the word, "evil" can be exclusively attached to scientology). But watch all the 'thumbs down' I get from the evolutionists, which, sadly, is the best evidence they can offer in defense of their flawed beliefs'.


Batlow, my friend, I'd be very interested in an actual list of 'indisputable proof' that and where the ToE has been 'directly' and 'specifically' beneficial to all those medical and pharmaceutical, etc, sciences you mention, that can't be explained by natural and normal human scientific and technological adaption, progress and advancement. Cheers.
2012-08-10 11:59:13 UTC
An evolutionist is anyone who accepts the idea that all species are related by common descent. A Scientologist is someone who ascribes to the religion of Scientology, established by L Ron Hubbard. The two are completely unrelated.
2016-10-04 12:37:27 UTC
What is written up as Scientology and the reviews of Scientologists are unique matters. One of the fundamental tenets of Scientology is that you just must now not suppose a darn factor until you spot or revel in if for your self. But I can inform you a little approximately those matters. Evolution - that is addressed commonly within the e-book Science of Survival. The essential factor raised is that lifestyles types are constructed through lifestyles drive for it is possess functions. So Scientology says that evolution is going on always and it's pushed through necessity instead than through random mutations. If you desire to categorise it, it could be anything like Lamarck's concept or Intelligent Design. Origin of folks - Scientologists suppose that individuals exist independently of our bodies. They animate our bodies for his or her possess functions. This is beautiful very similar to so much religions who preserve that no less than side of guy is religious (non fabric, non-vigor). Life is extra of an affect instead than a factor. I expect the our bodies developed one way or the other. But the foundation of our bodies isn't considered as main in Scientology. God - Most Scientologists suppose the Universe used to be created. I could say that handiest new Scientologists could range in this since Scientology involves a few convincing information that help this which they're going to ultimately acquire a few revel in of. Afterlife - while a frame dies, the character will in most cases move to a maternity ward and discover a little one and begin their lifestyles once more. Sounded bizarre to me in the beginning too and you do not must suppose anything like that until you'll recollect doing it. Which I ultimately did. Jesus - The Founder discusses him within the Phoenix lectures. Along with Guatama Siddhartha and a couple of different smart guys. He credit those guys with opening civilization and constructing a base of knowledge on which our society rests. Soul - that's meant to be the character himself however there are another definitions. Some religions say "I have a soul" that's unique to "I am a soul". They say that their soul will move to heaven after they die. I typically ponder whether they have an understanding of what they imply and suppose like asking them "But what approximately YOU? When your soul is going to heaven, wherein are YOU going to be?" So the proposal of soul is so unique to how we have an understanding of the spirit of guy that we coined yet another phrase for it. Thetan - that's readily the Greed phrase for "proposal".
2012-08-10 19:58:33 UTC
This is a very good question and you should continue to be curious. (nothing stupid about curiosity)

Here’s a simple definition of the Scientology religion for you:


The term Scientology is taken from the Latin word "SCIO" : which means, in the fullest sense of the word, "knowing", and the Greek word "LOGOS" which simply means "study of". Literal meaning “knowing how to know”.

The subject of Scientology is further defined as :

"the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life. "

The most basic principle of Scientology is that YOU are your own immortal soul, that this is not a thing you have but what YOU actually are.

A Scientologist is simply one who understands life thro study and application of Scientology and has the technical skill to solve the problems of life for self and others.

Evolution is simply a theory regarding the formation of life organisms .

Scientology is not concerned with physical life forms, structure, etc, or how they got that way, but concerns itself only with the spiritual source that animates these forms and gives them life.

There is an understanding of how they were formed within the knowledge of Scientology but this is not important since it was discovered that function monitors structure so any structure would be monitored or altered or would "evolve" to best carry out the primary purpose of life.

Naturally there would be an evolution of form as life carries out it's primary purpose or dynamic principle of existence.

The Dynamic Principle of Existence was the key discovery that launched the subjects of Dianetics and later Scientology.

This is covered in the book "Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health" by L.Ron Hubbard

( first published in May 1950)
Theta Works
2012-08-10 17:25:32 UTC
Evolution is the phases that living organisms go through. It deals with the body.

Scientology, on the other hand is a religious philosophy about us as immortal spiritual beings. It deals with the spirit.
2012-08-10 12:25:04 UTC
Seriously? Evolution is the scientificly proven process where organisms change over time in response to environmental selection pressures. Scientology is a cult that believes that people are aliens.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.