You are mired in an ethnocentric worldview. You ought to keep in mind that people from the United Kingdom come in all the typical skin colors that human beings come in, and they speak a number of languages. The Welsh and the Irish for example are not historically English speaking peoples.
When you note "our Western civilization" are you including Nazi Germany, the folks who exterminated millions of Jews, plus Romas, Slavs, homosexuals and other targeted groups? You clearly want to include the Brits they were bombing in the mid-20th century. But the Nazis saw themselves as the foundation of all Western civilization.
Was the former Stalinist regime of Soviet Union a part of Western civilization? How about the folks they exterminated--were they part of Western civilization?
For your information so-called Latinos in North America are largely mixtures of two historical ancestries: European (mostly from Spain) and Native American (the people living here before Columbus arrived).
It is extremely naive for you to conclude that skin color and language are the basis of "our Western civilization".
There are many naive, ethnocentric bigots in this world, and some of them are militant Islamists. Bigots come in all colors and speak a variety of languages. You would do well for yourself to go the other way and try to see one simple fact that makes us all alike in our humanness: We all evolved from the same group or ancestors in Africa. There really is no such thing as race.
Please acquire one or more college level text on physical anthropology and read them cover to cover.
Also please take care to expand your knowledge of the history of civilization over the last 10,000 years. You are obviously missing quite a bit of it and would gain significant insight into human beings if you could acquire more knowledge.
You are also missing any insight into what socioeconomic factors affect birth rate. Therefore you need to get at least one college level text on sociology to cover these issues. Rather than worrying about the ethnicity of who is born, you should be concerned of how we nearly 7 billion people on this planet can shape our world such that we can all live here in optimal conditions. Currently we are making quite a mess of it.
What you take to be the best parts of civilization, those are the things you should cultivate. Unless it just means pink skin, English language. The real problems facing our species cannot be solved by making sure there are more English-speaking, so-called white people than any other color or language. Equally they cannot be solved by invoking claims made by an illiterate Arab militant who died 1400 years ago.
Try to concern yourself with the issues that we all face.
Here is an interesting essay on some aspects of modern history and the history of civilization along the lines of your concerns: "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond. Read the book, or if you like see the video, but the book is more interesting. This may help inform your mind as to how certain aspects of modern history were shaped by geography acting on human culture.