Why aren't monkeys & apes evolving into humans anymore?
2008-04-26 11:55:57 UTC
It should still be happening, even by minute amounts if Darwin's theory is corret.
57 answers:
2008-04-30 04:31:24 UTC
Evolution occurs to every species but it is a very slow process. Monkeys & apes are evolving according to their needs and environmental surroundings as the y have to adapt for their survival. Evan Humans are evoving without exception.
2016-05-31 10:15:52 UTC
You thinking that evolution is linear. It is not it's more random than that. If you look at humans now, for instance, you can trace all humans alive today to just one female. That does not mean that there was only one female around at the time just that the other lines died out for one reason or another, leaving us with just one ancestor. The split between humans and Apes took place such a long time ago that any evolution we might have shared has since been lost. They are literally on another branch in the evolution tree, the gaps being the evolutionary steps that did not make it.
2008-04-26 13:06:15 UTC
First of all, humans did NOT evolve from the monkeys & apes that are around today. We just share a common ancestor, somewhere in the past.

Secondly, why are you assuming that evolution has stopped currently. It is just a Judaeo-Christian belief that Man is the epitome of creation and the 'image' of God - what arrogance to even assume such!

Evolution is occurring in all life on the planet even as we speak. However, since we are the 'process' and the 'observer' it is imperceptible except in the lab. The most easily observable evolution (by us, humans) is that of micro-organisms like virii & bacteria because they spawn many generations within a time which is short enough for us to observe in and collect data.
2008-04-26 12:01:57 UTC
CHimps that lived on the plains evolved taller statures and larger brains to cope with a rapidly changing environment. Plain apes have all evolved into humans. Chimps that live in different environments were never subject to extreme environmental pressures, and therefore stayed roughly the same. Learn what evolution is before you criticize it.

And NEVER equate the theory of evolution with the thinking of one man (Darwin)
2014-02-19 13:56:53 UTC
We never evolved from modern day apes or monkeys, we all share a common ancestor that has split off into different geographical regions and evolved in order to adapt to that environment. But even if we did evolve from modern day apes and monkeys you still wouldn't see them evolve into humans because evolution takes millions and millions of years. It is a very slow proccess.
2008-04-26 12:29:07 UTC
No, actually Darwin's theory says nothing of the sort.

It says you get a mutation now and then in each generation, like hair being a shade lighter, or a tail being a bit shorter, that can slightly alter the overall appearance of a species in a few dozen generation, if it makes them better able to survive.

It never at any point claims that monkeys spontaneously give birth to humans.

Where on earth did you get such a silly idea?

If you can figure out Yahoo answers, you can figure out how to Google 'evolution'.
Disciple of Truth
2008-04-26 12:03:10 UTC
I might be a creationist, but your question implies significant lack of understanding on the theory of evolution. Evolution and natural selection are not goal oriented. Plus no educated person proposes that humans evolved from monkeys.
2008-04-26 12:29:19 UTC
Monkeys and apes won't evolve into humans. Humans didn't evolve from monkeys or apes.

I've been using clothing today so will continue. Let's agree that men and women's clothes evolve from a common garment. However, today men's clothes button on the right and women's clothes on the left. There's several explanations for this: men could unbutton and reach their swords, women were dressed by maids, etc. but it's rare for gender specific clothing not follow this.

So asking "why aren't men's clothes evolving to left buttons?" is the same as asking "why monkeys and apes aren't evolving into humans?" Eight million years ago humans and apes shared a common ancestor. Since then, each has evolved in their own way. In one sense apes would have to devolve back to the common ancestor, then evolve along the same lines to become human. That would be on the order of 16 million years.

Humans are part of the hominid family. They are both part of and descended from them. The process of this development is called evolution. In brief, this means that new species develop and expand as they are better at dealing with their environment then others. See:

for a discussion of the evolution process.

The hominids include humans and the apes. They are part of the family Hominidae, of the order Primate. Chimpanzees, our closest relative, share a 95-99% match in DNA.(depending on who is counting) In protein sequencing, the match is closer, no differences at all. When man's protein sequencing is compared to gorillas there is only two differences in the match with hemoglobin, red blood cells and amino acids. Lastly the antgen-antibody reaction for humans is 97% from chimpanzees compared to 50% for baboons. In other words we're related. DNA is today used to show how closely people are related (as in determining paternity) and to determine if people were at a crime scene (as a means to determine guilt or innocence). It also is used to determine how long ago species split off from each other.

In short there's firm evidence for a common ancestor and evidence that shows we then went our own ways.
2008-04-28 08:02:12 UTC
Well we didn't evolve from monkeys or apes. We share a common ancestor then branched off from there. Evolution takes time. It took us over six million years to get to this point.
2008-04-26 12:01:54 UTC
Apes and monkeys are 1%ofbeing humans and that percent is that they can't talk like us, they haven'y developed that and the whole hairy thing. To become how far they got totoday, it took ages,centurys, years!

if the eearthstill revolves for the next 100years, there's a pretty good chance that they will be over come that 1% out of 100 that keeps us from being that much different.
2008-04-26 22:16:27 UTC
It's simple really....first an allegory though: why aren't tigers evolving into super-genius tigers?

it's the same answer youre looking for. i'll explain:

Tigers aren't getting much smarter because theyve become smart enough to succeed well in their environment as-is.

monkey's and apes are NOT our direct ancestors...they are our ancestral cousins. SO....for monkeys and/or apes to start getting really intelligent & self-aware, they would have to be exposed to similar environmental stresses that OUR direct ancestors our case, it was a massive volcanic eruption in the area of Turkey...the ash and fallout combined with the exact location of our ancestors at the time, and the localized environmental difficulties (sparcity of food and water?), pressed us to the absolute brink of extinction.....

We were already quite smart...and social (teamwork emphasises intelligence as well). So, the pressure put even THAT much more emphasis on our #1 trait (intellect, problem solving & teamwork).

As a direct result of this scenario....two things occurred:

1. we were nearly wiped out (modern estimates suggest we may have dwindled to 3,000 individuals)

2. the few who did survive...barely managed to do so...and only due to some rather clever thinking, tool manipulation, and cooperation.

This pressure of this, "Figue-it-out-how-to-survive-or-perish" scenario, thrust us forward in intellectual development so far that our intellect became SO important to us, that it soon became the only key defining feature in our species' evolutionary focus. So success in our social groups became pretty much one-dimensional....either be smart and inventive or stay at the bottom of the totem pole and fail to mate as frequently...or fail to survive at all.

hope this helps...
2008-04-26 16:33:56 UTC
Evolution is not linear and humans are not the goal that everything moves toward. Life adapts to its environment and for a period of time conditions were advantageous for the primates that developed the traits that eventually led to humans. All life is still changing but nothing is changing into what we now see as modern humans.
2008-04-26 12:01:30 UTC
They aren't the same monkeys at all, they are of a different species, several different species, actually. And besides, it takes millions of years for animals to evolve, so it's possible some species of monkeys can be evolving, but as a very slow rate. Us humans have only been on the planet for a itty bitty tiny fraction of Earth's entire lifespan.
2008-04-26 12:00:54 UTC
Good question. We see species die out, but we never see a new one evolve. The only evolution that has been documented is within a single species. No reports show one species evolving into another. There are a lot of holes in Darwin's theory of evolution.
2008-04-27 21:33:48 UTC
If only I had a nickel for every time someone tried using this fallacious reasoning in an argument. I'd be a trillionaire by now.

I'm too tired to even begin explaining, for the thousandth time, why your assumptions are completely wrong to begin with, and why this question does not reflect scientific fact, only vague, uninformed conjecture. Read a book about evolutionary science, will you? Please, for the sake of my sanity.
2008-04-27 13:48:59 UTC
No, if you understood anything at all about evolution, you'd realize it's false that "it should still be happening."

Darwin's theory -- and even more so, the current version of Darwin's theory IS correct.
2008-04-26 12:03:26 UTC
Macro evolution has never been observed, which is one rule of science, it has to be repeated and observable. The answer is no, humans did not evolve from monkeys and apes. Birds did not evolve from lizards either. Some even postulate we evolved from whales and dolphins ONLY because they have five digit bones in their flippers. Great conducting of scientific study there.
2008-04-27 07:31:40 UTC
Because we didn't evolve from monkeys & apes - we share a common ancestor. Big difference.
2008-04-28 13:26:23 UTC
darwin never said monkeys involved into humans! he said that the human and the monkey has a common ancestor.
2008-04-26 17:04:45 UTC
Very misleading image, as evolutionary processes are not linear.

Also, you forget your forces of evolution; random mutation and natural selection.

Evolution is not progressive, linear, not does it have a goal in mind.
2008-04-26 14:15:29 UTC
the humans killed the apes that were evolving because they looked different

the "evolving"apes dont exist any more

the "non-evollving" apes are the 1s we have
2008-04-26 11:58:48 UTC
Darwin never said that humans evolved from monkeys.

So the answer to your question is, they never did.
2008-04-29 00:00:16 UTC
Hello...the French??
2008-04-26 11:58:58 UTC
Humans and monkeys are not the same animal, we are, however, related.

Learn some facts about evolution before you bash it, and get a life. You are obviously ignorant and should not have said anything about this topic at all.
Roasted Kiwi
2008-04-26 11:59:32 UTC
What makes you think they'd evolve into /humans/ and not something else?
2008-04-26 12:00:49 UTC
wel actually

some people look like monkeys today

iv seen alort

looooooooooooool lmao

2008-04-26 12:01:42 UTC
Ok, first of all we NEVER evolved from monkeys. That is a scentifical theory for people who don't believe in God. God created us as human beings. Not as advanced as human beings our today, but the early human beings and we grew from there. But we were never monkeys or apes. And second of all, things only evolve over billions of years. It's not like you could just see a species evolve within 50 or 100 years. It takes billions and hundreds of millions of years! So to answer your question, they are, just so very slowly we won't live long enough to see them evolve.
2008-04-26 11:58:24 UTC
Evolution doesn't happen over a space of a day. What on earth do you mean by still be happening?
2008-04-26 11:59:00 UTC
evolution is not a diffuse process, on a sufficiently large timescale it is like a pinball machine.
2008-04-26 11:59:18 UTC
Apes are evolving, but they're evolving to their enviroment, they live in forest so they're different than us.
2008-04-26 11:59:36 UTC
Theyre not evolving into humans because theyre not humans... duhh thats why the classified them as apes....
2008-04-26 12:00:43 UTC
My ancestors were human. I, however, am a primate.
2008-04-26 12:00:37 UTC
Never did; never will.

It's a human-religious belief that allows man to ACT like an animal and not be answerable for any actions.
2008-04-26 11:58:55 UTC
That' all bull sh??. Monkeys never evolved into humans. Evolution is true at some point but not like this.
2008-04-26 11:59:46 UTC
to beg another question: why haven't humans evolved into something more complex? evolution doesn't ever stop. very good question dude!
2008-04-26 12:00:20 UTC
Same reason that rivers now don't flow freely anymore and are forced to stay within their same banks once humans settle there (check out how the Mississippi river history in Louisiana and see how it used to move back and forth... now it's forced in one place and surprise, Katrina showed us why we shouldn't control nature).

Humans screw up everything.

Also, we did not evolve, we were created by God!
2008-04-26 11:58:21 UTC
No, that was a long time ago. They aren't apes like today but different ones
2008-04-26 12:05:16 UTC
I love the easy answer: "God Made Us"

Man created god.
2008-04-26 11:58:24 UTC
Why are some humans still tribal? Evolution is not forced.

Also, monkeys and apes are learning new things, many of them can perform human functions and understand human words.
2008-04-26 11:59:17 UTC
They never did. We are NOT monkeys!
2008-04-26 11:59:19 UTC
maybe we didnt evolve from monkeys or could be that evolution had stopped cause there was no need for humans to elvolve from monkeys anymore cause they could reproduce
2008-04-26 12:00:09 UTC
i dont think that humans evolved into apes. it doesn't make any sense! if they did, there would be apes that were almost like humans. i dont know how we came but is wasn't from apes.
2008-04-26 12:02:46 UTC
Just a theory, not a fact.
2008-04-26 12:00:21 UTC
Because Darwin's theory is wrong,the only reason we are here is because God wish's so.....

And watch everyone is gunna rate this answer VERY low....
2008-04-26 11:59:31 UTC
caz they are , Monkeys/appes (animals) and we are humans :)
2008-04-26 11:59:54 UTC
Yea, they still are. When did they stop.
2008-04-26 11:58:48 UTC
Well recently it's been proven that his theory was wrong ( incorrect ) ... "science says". So I guess we didn't come from "monkeys & apes" . We came from our ancestors, who were in fact... human
2008-04-26 11:58:07 UTC
because we didnt "evovle" from monkeys in the first place. all these other things scientist find may have just been an earlier attempt at life.
2008-04-26 11:59:38 UTC
thats is Bull**** we WERE NOT EVOLVED FROM MONKEYS AND APES!! some people re stupid enough to believe it.
2008-04-26 11:58:38 UTC
no because they don't eat meat, human ancestors began eating meat, leading to their brains enlarging and becoming more developed.nowadays, even in the wild, it doesn't happen because the species of primates today are not meat eaters.
2008-04-26 12:00:04 UTC
Honey if we evolved from apes and monkeys then why are there still apes and monkeys?????????
2008-04-26 11:59:49 UTC
2008-04-26 11:58:35 UTC
well i think.. humans didnt evolve from apes
2008-04-26 11:59:40 UTC
because we dident evolve from apes, god created us.
2008-04-26 11:58:21 UTC
They are, they live in Aberdeen.
2008-04-26 11:58:45 UTC
its not, God made us, and we didnt come from apes. That is impossible
Luke S
2008-04-26 11:58:35 UTC
Great question.....Becuase it DOESN NOT exsist :)

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