I, too, experience this phenomenon. First of all, I'll answer your questions.
1. Raised religiously, or not?
Not raised in a religious family, but I did go to church as a kid and I am a firm believer today.
2. Are you particularly talented in any way?
I am a musician.
3. Are you artistic?
Yes, I draw and I work in the graphic arts from time to time doing CD artwork and fliers.
4. Do other unusual things happen in your life?
Yes, but not within the context of my faith. The fact that I'm a musician today is the result of an 'unusual' event, and I have experienced and been a part of things because of my music that might seem unusual. Other things have happened, like sudden provisions at times when I was in need that were almost comical the way they came about and can only be attributed to God's foreknowledge. To note, none of the 'unusual' things were bad (most were good) but even bad situations have often turned unusually good in the end, unusually.
Now, regarding the numbers. I have seen them for a very long time (I am almost 30, and I think the first time I really noticed it was around 13 or 14. I became a Christian when I was 13 and started playing music earlier that year. Not sure if there's a connection.) At first it freaked me out. I would noticed 11:34 on the clock at least three or four times a week and thought the same thing you did about the Hell thing (used to spell Hell and Boobs to be funny in math class like any pre-teen boy. lol), then I realized it wasn't just clocks, and it wasn't just that particular number, but 11 and 34, sometimes separately, but most often together. On receipts, on license plates, on addresses. etc.
When I was in college, I tried to "Change" the numbers and trick my mind into seeing another set of numbers. I would make it a point to look at the clock at a different time on purpose (by setting my alarm to go off at that time during the day). That didn't work.
I have started taking pictures of odd places I see these numbers and saving them. One of the most recent occurrences was on Engadget.com. I took a screenshot of it, but you can see it here http://tinyurl.com/259gujf . Another recent occurrence was while watching the most recent episode of Stargate Universe (Subversion). Dr. Rush retrieves a cell phone from a bank lock box and looks at the recent calls. The number is 202-555-1134. When they put it up on Hulu, it's about 14 minutes into the episode.
As for explanations, I have none, honestly. It's a weird phenomenon, for sure. However, I am not superstitious, and what I believe gives me confidence that Hell is not part of the equation. Seeing as the open top 4 probably didn't come about until the digital clock was invented, it wouldn't make sense to have anything to do with Hell, and, as I stated earlier, I see the numbers separately at times. I've learned to live with it, but it still intrigues me to some degree. Enough so that I saw it on the clock earlier and decided to google it, which led me here.
Honestly, I don't think you or I or anyone else who sees a specific number will ever get an answer as to why this happens, yet it's still interesting to ponder and research, but I wouldn't let it scare you. It is what it is.