Miss Question Mark
2009-12-05 01:19:33 UTC
A. is a cultural construct.
B. is invalid because within group variation is greater than between group variation.
C. is invalid because divisions of "races" depend on what traits are chosen as distinguishing criteria.
D. is not considered a biological reality because any two human populations share 94-98% of variable human DNA.
E. all of the above
2. The earliest known biped is:
A. Acrobatus bipedus
B. Homo erectus
C. Homo habilis
D. Robust Australopithecines
E. Ardipithecus ramidus or earlier
3. The first stone tool user
A. Homo habilis
B. Homo erectus
C. Homo sapiens sapiens
D. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
E. Robust Australopithecines
4. The presence of marked sexual dimorphism in body and canine size in primates (ie. males have bigger bodies and canines) is evidence that the species is:
A. monogamous
B. polyandrous
C. polygynous
D. polywannacracker
E. none of the above
5. The term hominid includes all monkeys, apes, and humans.
A True
B False
6. The type of mating system that a species of primates uses can affect:
A. testes size
B. whether or not females and/or males disperse
C. parental investment by males
D. infanticide
E. all of the above can be affected by the type of mating system
7. When determining the age at death of a skeleton:
A. the cranial suture closure method is the most accurate.
B. pubic symphysis works well on adults.
C. Dental eruption works well for adults of advanced age.
D. osteoporosis works for aging kids 3-12 years old.
E. None of the above.
8. When sexing a skeleton:
A. the teeth are the most accurate.
B. the pelvis is the most accurate.
C. the vertebrae of the chest are commonly used.
D. the skull is the most accurate.
E. the femur is the most accurate.
9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the KKK:
A. They kill people.
B. They are a racist organization promoting racial purity of whites.
C. Their initials stand for Ku Klux Klan.
D. They no longer exist.
E. They favor segregation.
10. Who had the largest brain:
A. Homo habilis
B. Homo erectus
C. Homo sapiens sapiens
D. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
E. Robust Australopithecines